Find out what your rights are if your relationship has broken down, for example whether you can stay in the family home or who the children should live with.

You can also find out how to deal with things like making a will, registering a birth or changing your name, and where else to go for help.

Contact us
Please use this form to contact us, or to get advice by email.

We aim to respond to your enquiry within 5 working days, however during busy times it may take a little longer. If you don’t get a reply in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder.

To contact us for advice by phone, call: 0808 278 7995
(Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. Closed on public holidays).

Or for more ways to get advice click here.

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Your personal information

When you provide us with personal information, for example, when using this form to contact us, we take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely.

We need to record information about you to help with your enquiry. We have a legitimate interest to do this.

We keep what you tell us safe and confidential and you always decide what you share with us. You can read more about how we handle and store your data in our privacy policy (this will open in a new window, so that any information you have already added to this form will be kept in this window)

We need your explicit consent to keep some information, including your ethnicity, religion, health conditions, sexual orientation, and trade union membership.

If you agree, we’ll use this information, which is known as ‘special category personal data’ to:
● give you advice
● help us gather data to improve our service
● support our research in a way that you can’t be identified

For example, if you need advice about claiming certain benefits, you may want to tell us about health problems you have which may be relevant to your enquiry.

By ticking the boxes below you consent to Citizens Advice recording the special category personal data you choose to provide Citizens Advice.

We’ll make sure all your information is kept safe and secure.

Yes, I consent to you holding information on my (please tick all of those you agree to):
Can we contact you for feedback?

We want to make sure our service meets your needs. To help us understand how we’re doing and to improve our service, we may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. Sometimes we need a trusted research organisation to help us do that.

We’ll decide who we contact for feedback based on the services you used and the advice area. We may also use your special category data so that we hear from different groups.

If you agree to us getting in touch for feedback please let us know how you’d prefer to be contacted by ticking the boxes below.

I agree to Citizens Advice selecting me for feedback using my information and I give permission to be contacted for feedback by (please tick all that apply):